A Worldwide Ranking of the Best Bar Snacks

barsWhat is a bar without delicious food? We know good craft beers are a must, but no night at the pubs is complete without something to munch on. Ask your friends — we all seem to have a favorite snack that we get every time we head down to the bars, and it is safe to say that food preferences change all over the world. So here we have put together a ranking of some of the best bar food the world has to offer.

5. Hard boiled eggs — Italy
Say what? You may be thinking that hard boiled eggs belong only on Cobb salads, but think again. The Italians actually may be onto something with this one, as this ball of protein will make your hangover a little bit easier to deal with in the morning. It will also come with a plate of sausages and crackers, so who could hate it?

4. Dried Fish — Korea
While dry shredded squid may sound a little fishy, hear us out — nothing matches American craft beers more than the salty, crispy goodness that comes from these tiny squids. Don’t believe us? Oh well.

3. Sylteabb — Norway
Some people like chicken wings, others (aka Norwegians) enjoy salted pig’s feet. While these little guys are traditionally served during the holiday season, they never really go out of style. Plus, they’re meant to be eaten with your hands, which means it is perfectly acceptable to eat it and wash it down with a nice, thick stout.

2. Haggis — Scotland
Sheep guts? Yes, it does sound questionable, and yes it is delicious. Especially served deep fried with a bunch of gravy on the side for dipping. Thick cut french fries only add to this glorious masterpiece, and you would be doing all of the U.K a dishonor if you didn’t drink a hard cider with it.

1. The burger — USA
Hands down, nothing beats the burger. Grab a thick burger, put as many toppings as you want on it — after all, all 42% of consumers who ranked toppings as the first or second most important attribute in a burger couldn’t be wrong– and settle in for a fantastic meal.

So next time you’re down at the bars, what’re you going to pick for your favorite snack? The answer should be, “all of the above!”